17 July 2007

Tuesday Midnight Madness

***when the rest of the world is sleeping, i am here counting pc keyboard strikes**

Bullshit! I am suppose to be in the middle of this spontaneous hardcore work-related writing when this f#^?ing toothache (“teethache”) strikes back again. A few minutes ago, I drank my fifth 500-mg pain reliever for the day. This is a nightmare. I have a deadline to beat tomorrow morning but this overwhelming pain is eating so much attention…grrrrr…I cannot even open my mouth wide-full. Both upper and lower pre-molar teeth are in pain. Both are adjacent with each other that when I close my mouth, it kisses each other. I am loosing my precious teeth. I am in pain. I am so anxious over these deadlines. I cannot eat chocolate (to pull me out from this distress) as of the moment because my molars hurt. Got no more 3-in-1 coffee packs here to keep me going. I am invalidly whining. I just want to sleep and roll on my bed but time is warning me against time. My momentum for analytic writing had just waned at this second and I am back with my senseless random thoughts. I am now trying very hard to resurface from this scary abyss but I just cannot do it. I am really getting old, I guess.

What makes tooth cavities so important that it had to be created in the first place??? Enlighten me.

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